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英语周报2023-2024学年 总第3618期 高二课标 答案

英语周报2023-2024学年 总第3618期 高二课标 答案

英语周报2023-2024学年 总第3618期 高二课标 答案

When asked to point out one or two things that are most important to themselves,many put friends ahead of homes,jobs,clothes and cars.

A true carries a long history of experience that determines who we are and keeps us connected. It is a we should prove it. ,the better friends you are,the more probably you’ll have disagreements. And the can be what you don’t want an end to finish the relationship.

The good news is that most troubled friendships can be .First,don’t let your pride get in your way. Most of us can forgive each other when are brought out in the open. Second,____when you’re wrong-even if you’ve been . Over the course of friendship, the best people make mistakes. Sometimes,it may be best if the wronged person the lead and apologizes. When you apologize,give your friend a to admit that he has been wrong. Third,see things from your point of view. And accept that friendships change as our needs and lifestyles change. Making friends can sometimes seem . The hard part is ____the connections strong during the nature ups and downs that have an effect on all relationships. My suggestion:Consider friendship an honor and a gift,and worth the effort to treasure and nurture(培养).

1.A. friendship B.love C.relationship D.care

2.A. wealth B.gold C.jewellery D.treasure

3.A. Personally B.Naturally C.Unfortunately D.Luckily

4.A. result B.pace C.future D.minute

5.A. finished B.mended C.changed D.prevented

6.A. discussions B.questions C.differences D.interests

7.A. admit B.punish C.flee D.apologize

8.A. blamed B.wronged C.punished D.praised

9.A. still B.even C.yet D.ever

10.A. takes B.gives C.gets D.makes

11.A .reason B.cause C.chance D.time

12.A. brother’s B.father’s C.enemy’s D.friend’s

13.A. properly B.finally C.really D.merely

14.A. difficult B.hard C.easy D.likely

15.A .keeping B.letting C.proving D.remaining


英语周报2023-2024学年 总第3618期 高二课标 答案试题答案


















1.A名词辨析。A. friendship友谊; B.love 爱; C.relationship 关系; D.care关心。在下文中多次提到friends,friendship等,而且根据全文内容可知文章的中心内容是谈论友谊,故答案选B。

2.D.名词辨析。A. wealth 财富; B.gold 黄金; C.jewellery 珠宝; D.treasure宝藏,珍宝。从情理可知真正的友谊是一种财富,wealth是不可数名词,而gold和jewellery指具体的物品,故答案选D。

3.C副词辨析。A.Personally个人地; B.Naturally 自然地; C.Unfortunately不幸地; D.Luckily幸运地。上文提到友谊是一种财富,而下文表述的内容却是好朋友之间容易产生分歧,所以这是不幸的事情,选C。

4.A名词辨析。.A.result 结果; B.pace 步伐,脚步;C.future未来; D.minute分钟。根据句子后部分内容可知这是朋友之间产生分歧后造成的结果,选A。句意:结果可能就是你所不希望的情况—友谊的结束。

5.B.动词辨析。A.finished 完成; B.mended 修理; C.changed改变; D.prevented防止。上文提到朋友间产生分歧后容易出现友谊的破裂,而此处的“good news”暗示友谊可以重新获得或者裂痕可以弥补,故答案选B。

6.C名词辨析。A.discussions讨论; B.questions 问题;C.differences 不同,区别; D.interests兴趣,利益。根据上文内容可知友谊的破裂往往是因为朋友间出现的“disagreements.”,所以当所有的分歧被当面提出来后,一切就可以解决了,选C。

7.D动词辨析。A.admit承认; B.punish惩罚; C.flee逃离; D.apologize道歉。根据情理可知做错了事情要道歉,而且下文中的When you apologize,也是提示信息,填D。

8.B动词辨析。.A.blamed责备; B.wronged 冤枉; C.punished惩罚; D.praised表扬。根据前句内容和even if“即使,尽管”可以判断作者建议人们做错事情的时候要道歉,即使是被冤枉的时候也要主动道歉,这样有益于友谊的保持,下文中的the wronged person也是提示信息,故答案选B.

9.B副词辨析。A.still仍然; B.even甚至; C.yet 然而;D.ever曾经。从语境判断作者指任何人都会犯错,即使是最优秀的人也一样,此处表示一种让步关系,故答案选B。

10.A动词辨析。A.takes 带走; B.gives 给予;C.gets 得到; D.makes制成。固定短语:take the lead“领头,带头”。选A。句意:有时候,如果被冤枉的人首先道歉的话,可能会有更好的结果。

11.C名词辨析。A.reason 原因;B.cause 缘由,起因;C.chance 机会; D.time时间。从语境判断此处指给对方一个承认错误的机会,短语:a chance to do sth,其他不符合语境。

12.D名词辨析。A.brother’s 兄弟的; B.father’s 父亲的; C.enemy’s敌人的; D.friend’s朋友的。从上文可知文章讲述的是如何修复出现分歧的友谊,所以应该从朋友的角度去看问题,选D。

13.B副词辨析。A.properly 恰当地;B.finally 最终,最后;C.really 真正地; D.merely仅仅,只。根据上文引起几条建议的连接词First,second ,Third,可以判断此处填finally,表示顺序。

14.C形容词辨析。A.difficult 困难的; B.hard 艰难的; C.easy 容易的; D.likely可能的。根据后句中The hard part可以判断此处指交朋友容易,但是保持友谊难,选C。

15.A动词辨析。A.keeping 保持;B.letting 出租,让; C.proving证实; D.remaining剩下。从上文讲述的内容可知交朋友容易,但是坚守一份友谊不容易,友谊的维持需要双方的努力,所以填A。


The elephant was lying heavily on its side, fast asleep. A few dogs started barking at it. The elephant woke up in a terrible anger: it chased the dogs into the village where they ran for safety. That didn’t stop the elephant. It destroyed a dozen houses and injured several people. The villagers were scared and angry. Then someone suggested calling Parbati, the elephant princess.

Parbati Barua’s father was a hunter of tigers and an elephant tamer(驯兽者). He taught Parbati to ride an elephant before she could even walk. He also taught her the dangerous art of the elephant round-up — how to catch wild elephants.

Parbati hasn’t always lived in the jungle. After a happy childhood hunting with her father, she was sent to boarding school in the city. But Parbati never got used to being there and many years later she went back to her old life. “Life in the city is too dull. Catching elephants is an adventure and the excitement lasts for days after the chase,” she says.

But Parbati doesn’t catch elephants just for fun. “My work,” she says, “is to rescue man from the elephants, and to keep the elephants safe from man.” And this is exactly what Parbati has been doing for many years. Increasingly, the Indian elephant is angry: for many years, illegal hunters have attacked it and its home in the jungle has been reduced to small pieces of land. It is now fighting back. Whenever wild elephants enter a tea garden or a village, Parbati is called to guide the animals back to the jungle before they can kill.

The work of an elephant tamer also involves love and devotion. A good elephant tamer will spend hours a day singing love songs to a newly captured elephant. “Eventually they grow to love their tamers and never forget them. They are also more loyal than humans,” she said, as she climbed up one of her elephants and sat on the giant, happy animal. An elephant princess indeed!

1.For Parbati, catching elephants is mainly to ______.

A. get long lasting excitement

B. make the angry elephants tame

C. send them back to the jungle

D. keep both man and elephants safe

2.Before Parbati studied in a boarding school, ______.

A. she spent her time hunting with her father

B. she learned how to sing love songs

C. she had already been called an elephant princess

D. she was taught how to hunt tigers

3.Indian elephants are getting increasingly angry and they revenge(报复)because ______.

A. they are caught and sent for heavy work

B. illegal hunters capture them and kill them

C. they are attacked and their land gets limited

D. dogs often bark at them and chase them

4.The passage starts with an elephant story in order to explain that in India ______.

A. people easily fall victim(受害者)to elephants attacks

B. dogs are as powerful as elephants

C. elephant tamers are in short supply

D. the man-elephant relationship is getting worse


英语周报2023-2024学年 总第3618期 高二课标 答案试题答案







1. Parbati doesn’t catch elephants just for fun. “My work,” she says, “is to rescue man from the elephants, and to keep the elephants safe from man.”可知 Parbati主要是为了保障大象与人之间的安全而驯象的。故选D。

2. 细节题。根据第三段Parbati hasn’t always lived in the jungle. After a happy childhood hunting with her father, she was sent to boarding school in the city. 可知她从小与父亲一起在丛林中度过了她的童年,之后才去寄宿学校的。故选A。

3. 细节题。根据第四段Increasingly, the Indian elephant is angry: for many years, illegal hunters have attacked it and its home in the jungle has been reduced to small pieces of land. It is now fighting back.可知大象报复是因为人类猎杀大象并侵占了它们生活的地方。故选C。

4. 推理判断题。通读全文可知在人象关系紧张的时候,被人们称作“大象公主”的优秀驯兽师Parbati驯服了大象,保障了大象和人类的安全。所以在文章的开头描述大象攻击人类的故事是为了展示人象之间关系的紧张。故选D。







