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My son, Sam, struggled through elementary school. But his sixth grade teacher took the time to ____ Sam’s strengths and inspired him to be a better student.

On Valentine’s Day, my eleven-year-old son Sam ____ me to allow him to buy his teacher an enormous red heart-shaped box filled with chocolates. We compromised,and he ____ her a smaller but respectably sized heart. On his small ____ , $4.99 was a huge investment, and I was touched by his ____ .

Sam has not always loved teachers. He doesn’t yet admit that he ____ school, but he does like to hang out in his classroom after three o’ clock, and he is ____ about some class projects.

Last year, Sam’s most memorable achievement was having the longest “missing assignment” list in the ____ fifth grade. He ____ all year to keep his head above the academic sea. Many nights Sam sank into tears of ____ while working his way through another pile of homework.

I must admit I was ____ when I first met Mrs. Hogan. She was a ____ teacher. She seemed so young and sweet and inexperienced. How was this new teacher going to ____ a boy who had feared school?

As Iobserved this teacher’s ____ with my son at the end of each day, I realized that Sam’s inattentiveness and disorganization were not the ____ things that Mrs. Hogan noticed. She recognized Sam as a knowledgeable, capable student who loved to read. He managed to meet her ____.

Sam began to do his homework without numerous reminders ____ a major search through his crowded backpack. He brought home less and less class work. He ____ six A’s on his second-quarter report card.

I ____ don’t know how much of this miracle is due to the magic of Mrs. Hogan. I do know that my son loves his sixth grade teacher, and I think there is a ____ in relationships that can inspire children when nothing else can.

1.A. improve B. encourage C. push D. drive

2.A. advised B. promised C. allowed D. begged

3.A. bought B. agreed C. rejected D. met

4.A. standard B. Age C. budget D. basis

5.A. will B. cleverness C. generosity D. bravery

6.A. likes B. hates C. attends D. misses

7.A. annoyed B. excited C. surprised D. worried

8.A. remarkable B. favorable C. honorable D. entire

9.A. struggled B. intended C. failed D. continued

10.A. regret B. surprise C. frustration D. pleasure

11.A. interested B. concerned C. moved D. wrong

12.A. working B. caring C. rising D. beginning

13.A. lift up B. stay up C. sit up D. get up

14.A. cooperation B. relationship C. interaction D. discussion

15.A. precious B. interesting C. obvious D. primary

16.A. questions B. requests C. demands D. expectations

17.A. although B. or C. if D. so

18.A. marked B. accepted C. earned D. left

19.A. clearly B. strongly C. yet D. still

20.A. mass B. magic C. handwriting D.plan

























1. A. improve“提高”; B. encourage“鼓励”; C. push“推动”; D. drive“驾驶;驱赶;迫使(某人)做某事”,根据下半句“ inspired him to be a better student.”可知,该句句意为“他六年级的老师‘鼓励’他的长处,激励他成为一名更好的学生。”故正确答案为B.

2.A. advised“建议”; B. promised“允诺,答应”; C. allowed“允许”; D. begged“乞求”,根据下文“We compromised”(我们相互折中了一下),可知Sam乞求我让他给老师买个大大的心形的装满巧克力的盒子,故正确答案为D.

3.A. bought “买”; B. agreed“同意”; C. rejected“拒绝”; D. met“遇到”,根据上文“ to allow him to buy his teacher an enormous red heart-shaped box filled with chocolates.”,可知该句意为“Sam给他的老师买了一个用小点的但体面的心形的盒子装的巧克力”,即谓语动词为 bought “买”,故正确答案为A.

4.A. standard “标准”; B. age“年龄”; C. budget “预算”; D. basis“基础”,根据该句中的“$4.99 was a huge investment”(4.99美元是一个巨大的投入。)可知,他的“预算”很小。故正确答案为C.

5. 考查名词辨析。A. will“意志”; B. cleverness“聪明”; C. generosity“慷慨”;D. bravery“勇敢”,根据上文“ On his small ____ , $4.99 was a huge investment,”可知他花了对于他来说很多的钱来给老师买礼物,故“我”被他的“大方”所感动了。故正确答案为C.

6. 动词辨析。. A. likes “喜欢”; B. hates“讨厌”; C. attends“参加”; D. misses“想念;错过”,根据下文“ but he does like to hang out in his classroom after three o’ clock,”(但是他不喜欢在3点后的班级里无所事事。)but表示转折,所以Sam has not always loved teachers. He doesn’t yet admit that he ____ school,(Sam一直不喜欢老师。他(也)不承认他‘喜欢’学校。)故正确答案为A.

7.A. annoyed“恼怒的”; B. excited“兴奋的”; C. surprised“惊讶的”; D. worried“担心的”,根据上文“ but he does like to hang out in his classroom after three o’ clock,”(但是他不喜欢在3点后的班级里无所事事。)”及该空所在“and he is ____ about some class projects.”and表示语意上的并列关系,所以该句句意为“对一些科目他感觉到‘兴奋’。”,故正确答案为B.

8.A. remarkable“值得注意的,显著的”; B. favorable“赞同的;有利的”; C. honorable“可敬的,光荣的”; D. entire“全体的,完全的”,该句句意:“去年Sam最值得记忆的成就是在‘整个’五年级不见的作业最多。”故正确答案为D.

9.A. struggled“斗争;努力”; B. intended“打算”; C. failed“失败”; D. continued“继续”,因为当时 Sam 的学业状况极差,用“struggle”一词,可描写出他在学海中艰难地“挣扎”的状况。故正确答案为A.

10.A. regret“后悔,遗憾”; B. surprise“惊讶”; C. frustration“挫折,失败”; D. pleasure“快乐”,该句句意:“很多夜晚当他努力地做另外一堆作业的时候都会流下‘挫败’的泪水。”故正确答案为C.

11.A. interested“感兴趣的”; B. concerned“担心的,挂虑的;关切的,关心的”; C. move“感动的”; D. wrong“错的”,根据下一句“ She seemed so young and sweet and inexperienced.”Mrs.Hogan 似乎是个没经验的新老师,所以第一次见到这位老师时不免有些“担心”。故正确答案为B.

12.A. working “工作”; B. caring“关心”; C. rising“升起,上涨”; D. beginning“开始”,仍是根据下文“She seemed so young and sweet and inexperienced.”可知这个老师是刚开始工作的老师,故正确答案为D.

13.A. lift up“举起,提起;鼓舞”; B. stay up “熬夜”; C. sit up “端坐;熬夜”; D. get up“起床”,该句句意:“这样一个新老师是否有能力‘激励’一个已经怕上学的孩子呢?”故正确答案为A.

14. A. cooperation “合作”;B. relationship “关系;C. interaction “互动”; D.discussion“讨论”,该句句意:“在我观察老师和‘我’儿子在每天的‘互动’的时候”,故正确答案为C.

15.A. precious“宝贵的”; B. interesting“有趣的”; C. obvious“显而易见的”; D. primary“首要的,主要的;初期的”,根据下一句“She recognized Sam as a knowledgeable, capable student who loved to read. ”(老师认为Sam是个爱读书的有知识的、有能力的学生。)所以该句“ I realized that Sam’s inattentiveness and disorganization were not the ____ things that Mrs. Hogan noticed.”句意为“Sam的不专心和无序不是老师‘主要’注意的事情。”故正确答案为D.

16.A. questions“问题”; B. requests“请求,要求”; C. demands“要求;需求”; D. expectations“期待”,该句句意:“Sam达到了老师的‘期望’。”(上文没提到老师对他有什么要求),故正确答案为D.

17.A. although “虽然,尽管”; B. or “或者”; C. if “如果”; D. so“所以”,该句句意:“Sam开始做作业不需要一遍遍的提醒或是在背包里寻找(作业)。”此处“提醒”和“寻找”可以用选项B. or表示选择关系,故正确答案为B.

18. A. marked“标记”;B. accepted“接受”; C. earned“挣得;赢得”; D. left“离开”,该句句意:“在第二季度的成绩单上他‘得’了6个A.”,故正确答案为C.

19. A. clearly“清楚地”; B. strongly“强烈地”; C. yet“仍然”(用于否定句中); D. still“仍然,依然”(用于肯定句中),该句句意:“‘我’‘依然’不知道这个奇迹有多大程度上依赖与 Mrs. Hogan的魔力。”故正确答案为D.

20. A. mass“大量,大多;块,堆,团”; B. magic“魔法”; C. handwriting “书写”; D. plan“计划”,该句句意:“‘我’知道‘我’儿子喜欢他六年级的老师,而且‘我’认为在人与人的关系中存在着可以激励孩子的‘魔法’”,故正确答案为B.


–My daughter was admitted to Nanjing University, which she loves best.

— ___________!

A. Good luck B. Have fun

C. Cheer up D. Congratulations





试题分析:考查情景交际。A. Good luck 好运; B. Have fun玩得愉快;C. Cheer up加油;D. Congratulations祝贺你;句意:我的女儿被她所喜欢的南京大学录取了。祝贺你。根据上句话给出的语境,所以选D项。

考点 : 考查情景交际







