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It is announced that big prizes will go to ________ finishes the assignment on time.

A.whom B.who

C.whomever D.whoever




【解析】D 考查宾语从句。分析句子成分可知,“____finishes the assignment on time”是宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,排除A、C两项;再结合“大奖将颁给任何一个按时完成任务的人”可知,此处应用whoever。


Marie Claire Magazine is one of the top women’s health, beauty and fashion magazines in the world. It has over 14 million readers all over the world. Maire Magazine is published in 32 countries including France, the Untied States, Australia, China, the United Kingdom, Russia, Spain, Italy and many other nations.

Marie Claire Magazine has stood by its motto “More than a Pretty Face” since Jean Prouvost created it in France in 1937. It was soon released(发售) every Wednesday and was an immediate success. Unfortunately, because of World WarⅡ, it stopped printing in 1940. But it began again in 1954 as a monthly publication instead of a weekly one.

The magazine has provided women throughout the world with information on health, struggles and life stories of women. The magazine also focuses on current affairs all women would be interested in. It also has a part that specifically answers readers’ questions.

The magazine discusses all of the latest and hottest things in clothing and accessories(首饰). It also provides its readers with shopping information to help find the best deals for the latest fashions.

The cover of Marie Claire Magazine has been graced(使增光) by many famous faces. Although it is aimed at women, it broke new ground in 2003. The US publication featured a man—Tom Cruise on its cover for the first time. Marie Claire Magazine has continued to be a pioneer in the magazine industry.



1.When was Marie Claire Magazine created?

A. In 2003. B. In 1937.

C. In 1954. D. In 1940.

2.Marie Claire Magazine includes sections(栏目) on _________.

①information on health

②clothing and accessories

③readers’ questions

④women’s struggles and life stories


⑥current affairs

⑦shopping information

⑧first aid

A. ①②③④⑤⑥ B. ①②③⑥⑦⑧

C. ①②③④⑥⑦ D. ①②④⑥⑦⑧

3.According to the passage, Marie Claire Magazine _________.

A. provides information for women throughout the world

B. has been a monthly magazine since 1937

C. never has men’s faces on its cover

D. pays little attention to readers’ responses

4.What do we know about Marie Claire Magazine?

A. It stopped printing for about 16 years because of World WarⅡ.

B. It has over 14 million readers in France, the Untied States and Australia.

C. It has more readers than any other magazine of the same kind.

D. It was released once a week and succeeded immediately at the beginning.








试题分析:本文介绍了著名的杂志Marie Claire Magazine的前世今生及其包括内容和特点。

1. 细节题。根据第二段第一句Marie Claire Magazine has stood by its motto “More than a Pretty Face” since Jean Prouvost created it in France in 1937.可知Marie Claire Magazine由Jean Prouvost在1937年创立的。故B正确。

2. 细节题。根据文章3,4段The magazine discusses all of the latest and hottest things in clothing and accessories(首饰). It also provides its readers with shopping information to help find the best deals for the latest fashions. 和information on health, struggles and life stories of women. The magazine also focuses on current affairs all women would be interested in. It also has a part that specifically answers readers’ questions.


3. 细节题。根据文章1,2句Marie Claire Magazine is one of the top women’s health, beauty and fashion magazines in the world. It has over 14 million readers all over the world.可知这本杂志给全世界的女性提供各种信息。故A正确。

4. 细节题。根据文章第二段第2句It was soon released(发售) every Wednesday and was an immediate success.可知这本杂志每周三发行,也就说是周刊。在发行的时候立刻就受到人们的欢迎。故D正确。







