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There is a lot of talk these days about how kids should be interested in science. Here’s an area of science for everyone, and these cool new books might inspire you to discover your inner scientist.

Scaly Spotted Feathered Frilled by Catherine Thimmesh, 58 pages, ages 9-12

Seeing a picture or a model of a dinosaur, do you wonder how anybody knows what they look like? After all, nobody has seen a living dinosaur. This book explains how scientists and artists work together to re-create dinosaurs. As scientific discoveries have been made, the models have changed. Scientific tests may one day expose what a dinosaur’s coloring was, but now artists have to use their imagination to determine how these huge creatures looked.

Beyond the Solar System by Mary Kay Carson, 128 pages, ages 10-13

This book takes readers back to the beginnings of space exploration—thousands of years ago, when people began star observation—and forward to today’s search for planets in distant parts of the Milky Way. Along with history lessons, readers get 21 activities, such as making a black hole and creating a model of Albert Einstein’s universe using a T-shirt. The activities are perfect for cold winter days.

Ultimate Bugopedia by Darlyne Murawski and Nancy Honovich, 272 pages, ages 7 and older

If you’re always on the lookout for butterflies, this book is for you. Hundreds of color photos of common and unusual insects fill this hardcover. There are fascinating stories related to the photos. For example, do you know an insect feeds on the tears of Asian cattle? There’s a question-and-answer section with an insect scientist and advice on how to help preserve endangered insects.

Journey Into the Invisible by Christine Schlitt, 80 pages, ages 9-12

If you use a magnifying(放大的)glass, you know a leaf looks quite different. This book explains what microscopes do and then shows what happens to things around the house when watched with this amazing scientific tool. The bacteria in your mouth, when magnified 20,000 times, look a bit like swimming pool noodles. Fascinating photos are paired with suggestions about how to learn about the world around you, just by looking a little closer.

1.Kids interested in pre-historical animals might read ______.

A. Ultimate Bugopedia

B. Beyond the Solar System

C. Journey Into the Invisible

D. Scaly Spotted Feathered Frilled

2.Beyond the Solar System is mainly about ______.

A. space exploration

B. the Milky Way

C. history lessons

D. Albert Einstein’s universe

3.From the passage, we can learn that ______.

A. butterflies are fond of the tears of Asian cattle

B. scientists have discovered the dinosaur’s coloring

C. microscopes can present you with an amazing world

D. man has explored the black hole for thousands of years

4.The main purpose of the passage is to ______.

A. compare features of different books

B. inspire people to become scientists

C. teach children some knowledge of science

D. recommend new science books to children








试题分析: 文章为孩子们推荐了一些新科学书籍。

1. 细节理解题。根据第二段提到Seeing a picture or a model of a dinosaur, do you wonder how anybody knows what they look like? After all, nobody has seen a living dinosaur. This book explains how scientists and artists work together to re-create dinosaurs.恐龙这个话题孩子是最喜欢的,故选D项。

2. 细节理解题。根据第三段提到This book takes readers back to the beginnings of space exploration—thousands of years ago, when people began star observation—and forward to today’s search for planets in distant parts of the Milky Way.这本书主要是关于太空探索,故选A项。

3. 细节理解题。根据最后一段提到If you use a magnifying(放大的)glass, you know a leaf looks quite different. This book explains what microscopes do and then shows what happens to things around the house when watched with this amazing scientific tool.可知显微镜下奇妙的世界,故选C项。

4. 主旨大意。根据第一段提到There is a lot of talk these days about how kids should be interested in science. Here’s an area of science for everyone, and these cool new books might inspire you to discover your inner scientist这有许多孩子感兴趣的话题,这些新书会去发现科学的秘密,故选D项。


单句改错 (共10分,每小题1分)




The film is so interesting that I have seen it many time.

China is much big than Japan, which is the third largest country in the world.

Besides, I have few friends, I don’t know that they don’t like to talk with me.

It is known to everyone that it is famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals.

At once I apologize and controlled myself at my best till the dinner started.

On the night before my first day, I was too excited to go to sleep and as a result, I got up lately in the morning.

Bill was standing by the car, talking to two men which were helping him to repair it.

Thousands of people go to the seaside in every year.

My grandma was the best cook in the world but could make the most delicious dishes.

The boy suggested our go for a walk after dinner. I thought it was a good idea.






4.第二个is 后加a









1.将time改为times 本句中的time表示“次数”,是一个可数名词,前面有many修饰,所以复数形式。句意:这部电影是如此有趣以至于我看了很多次。

2.bigger 后面有than,说明应该使用比较级bigger的形式。

3.将that改为why 句意:我不知道为什么他们不喜欢和我说话。Why表示疑问,而that表示的是陈述。根据句意可知表示疑问。

4.第二个is 后加a 后面的名词mountain是一个可数名词,前面的主语是it说明是单数,所以加上a修饰。

5.apologized 根据后面的started可知应该使用一般过去时,所以使用apologized。

6.late lately是副词“近来”,通常和现在完成时连用;本句表示起床晚了点,所以使用late。

7.将which改为who 本句中定语从句的先行词是two men,表示“人”,后面的定语从句中缺少主语,所以不能使用which引导这个定语从句,而应该使用who。

8.将in去掉 短语every year可以在句中单独做时间状语,前面不需要加介词in。

9.but改为and 句意:我奶奶是世界上最好的厨师,能够做出最美味的食物。根据句意可知上下文之间存在并列关系,而不是转折。故使用and,而不是but。

10.】go改为going 动词suggest后面要接动名词形式doing,本句使用了动名词的复合结构。







