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Dramatic performing is an excellent method of building confidence in children and adults alike. Learning drama allows students to their creativity and have fun while leaving their _____ and worries behind. Drama also works by supporting the growth of imagination and other skills.

Entertainment has become rather passive with , television and computer games becoming more popular. These screen-based methods have had a effect on communication. They prevent children communicating with others. , drama puts the children enthusiastic about communication back into entertainment. Children have the opportunity to with others in a more meaningful way drama encourages speech development , awareness of body language and allows children to become more aware.

Play and drama are closely linked. When children play a game, they are using their and moving away from reality to their own story. Drama is a vehicle which children can express themselves more freely to make education fun.

Children gain by understanding that there is no final answer in drama and that their opinion and contribution are valued. They are able to to many issues and situations such as poverty, recycling and global warming. Drama and have a strong link as drama can children to take an active interest in other subjects such as geography, history and English and so they can a more rounded education.

As a drama teacher, I have witnessed a child at his first class holding onto his parent’s arm—- to let go. Then to see the same child running into my class with a smile is an sight. Drama installs confidence in children by allowing them to improvise(即兴创作) and excitement. Everyone is given the opportunity to shine drama. Besides learning the history of the theatre, drama dance ,music, and directing, etc. These classes are especially designed to be of great fun.

1.A. exploreB. expressC. exposeD. experience

2.A. sadnessB. excitementC. happinessD. shyness

3.A. dramaB. moviesC. radioD. media

4.A. subjectiveB. positiveC. negativeD. sensitive

5.A. MeanwhileB. HoweverC. BesidesD. Therefore

6.A. compete B. compare C. discuss D. connect

7.A. beforeB. thoughC. asD. if

8.A. sociallyB. mentallyC. physicallyD. emotionally

9.A. imagination B. determinationC. considerationD. communication

10.A. believing B. creatingC. tellingD. reading

11.A. forB. throughC. beyondD. across

12.A. confidence B. successC. hopeD. admiration

13.A. replyB. stickC. turnD. respond

14.A. entertainmen tB. languageC. educationD. play

15.A. trainB. persuadeC. requireD. encourage

16.A. giveB. haveC. continueD. provide

17.A. pleasedB. tiredC. unwillingD. sorry

18.A. imaginaryB. ordinaryC. excellentD. odd

19.A. withinB. overC. aboveD. after

20.A. linksB. possessesC. applies D. covers
























试题分析:本文讲述了戏剧课在教育 中的重要作用。作者认为无论对成年人还是对儿童来说表演都是建立自信,激发创造力,培养交际能力的好方法。因为戏剧表演需要孩子和别人去沟通,而且在戏剧课中即兴创作会发挥孩子们的想象力和创造力。

1.A.动词辨析。 A. explore探索,开发;B. express表达;C. expose使….暴露;D. experience经历。前句讲述戏剧表演对成年人和儿童的好处,由此判断本句是介绍学习戏剧对学生的益处,根据搭配可知选A,explore creativity“开发创造力”,选A。

2.D名词辨析。 A. sadness伤心,难过;B. excitement兴奋,激动;C. happiness幸福,快乐; D. shyness害羞,腼腆。根据后面的worries可知此处应该使用表示负面意思的名词,排除BC选项;再从情理推断学习戏剧表演会帮助人们克服害羞心理,选D。

3.B. 名词辨析。 A. drama戏剧;B. movies电影;C. radio收音机;D. media媒体。根据后面列举的并列事物television and computer games 和下句中These screen-based methods可以判断此处指目前受人们欢迎的使用屏幕的娱乐方式,选B。

4.C.形容词辨析。 A. subjective主观的;B. positive积极的;C. negative消极的;D. sensitive敏感的。根据前句Entertainment has become rather passive可知作者对于这些娱乐方式是持否定看法的,认为它们对人们的交流起着负面的作用,选C。

5.B. 副词辨析,A. Meanwhile与此同时;B. However然而;C. Besides此外;D. Therefore因此。下文介绍了戏剧对人们的积极影响,和上文电视,电影等娱乐方式构成一种对照,前后内容是转折关系,故答案选B。

6.D. 动词辨析。 A. compete 完成,实现;B. compare比较;C. discuss 讨论; D. connect连接。根据语境可知此处指戏剧表演可以让人们之间进行更多的交流沟通,connect with sb 意思是“使有关系,和……有联系”由此判断答案选D。

7.C 连词辨析。A. before在之前;B. though尽管;C. as当…时候,因为;D. if如果,是否。前句内容是说孩子们可以以一种有意义的方式进行交流,后句是讲戏剧能促进人们的语言发展和肢体语言的运用等,前后是因果关系,选C。

8.A.副词辨析。 A. socially在社交方面; 善于交际地; B. mentally精神地;C. physically身体地;D. emotionally情感地;上文内容介绍戏剧表演会使孩子们更多地与别人进行交流,所以会增强社交意识,选A。

9.A名词辨析。A. imagination 想象力;B. determination决心;C. consideration考虑;D. communication交流。根据空后内容判断孩子们在玩游戏时会把现实和故事结合起来,也就是在游戏中会运用自己的想象力,答案选A。

10.B. 动词辨析。 A. believing相信; B. creating创造;C. telling告诉; D. reading学习。由前句和空后their own story可以推断作者指孩子们在玩游戏的过程中会从发挥自己的想象力,会编出自己的故事,也就是会有创造性思维的过程,答案选B。

11.B.介词辨析。 A. for为了;B. through通过;C. beyond在之外,超过; D. across在那边,跨过。分析结构可知vehicle后是“介词+which”引导的定语从句,根据句意可知此处表示一种手段,也就是说戏剧是一个载体,通过戏剧孩子可以更自由地去表达自己,选B。

12.A名词辨析。 A. confidence信心; B. success成功;C. hope希望;D. admiration钦佩。从空后内容可知如果孩子通过戏剧知道凡事都没有最终的答案,也就是凡事都是有可能的,那么他们在生活中遇到问题时会更有信心去应对,选A。

13.D动词辨析。A. reply回复;B. stick坚持;C. turn转身;D. respond回答,回应。通过语境可知作者指孩子通过戏剧可以学到一些应对很多事情的能力,respond to“回答,对…做出回应”,选D。

14.C名词辨析。A. entertainment 娱乐;B. language语言;C. education教育;D. play玩耍,戏剧。根据下文列举的事物other subjects such as geography, history and English可知答案选C。

15.D动词辨析。A. train训练,培训;B. persuade说服;C. require要求;D. encourage鼓励。此处是讲戏剧对于孩子的积极影响,encourage sb to do sth“鼓励某人做某事”,选D。

16.B动词辨析。. A. give给;B. have有;C. continue继续;D. provide提供。从上句内容可知只有孩子们对所学知识感兴趣了,真正学习了学校里的所授学科,他们才能够真正得到全面的教育,选B。

17..C形容词辨析。 A. pleased高兴的;B. tired疲倦的;C. unwilling不情愿的;D. sorry难过的。根据破折号前面内容可知孩子抓着父母的胳膊是不愿意他们离去,选C。

18.C 形容词辨析。A. imaginary 有想象力的;来B. ordinary普通的;C. excellent优秀的,极好的;D. odd古怪的。上文提到同一个孩子在来上第一节课时不愿意离开父母,也就是不愿意接触新环境和新同学,所以当作者看到他微笑着跑到班上的时候,会感到很欣慰,因为他看到了戏剧课改变了孩子。

19.A. 介词辨析。A. within在里面;B. over在上面;C. above在上面;D. after在之后。上句内容是关于戏剧课通过让他们即兴创作表演而增加了孩子的自信,由此判断孩子们在戏剧中被给予展现自己的机会,选A。

20.D动词辨析。 A. links连接;B. possesses处理;C. applies 申请;D. covers覆盖,涉及。根据空格后的内容可知此处是指戏剧所涉及到的方面,选D。




Making changes can be hard, but it may benefit you a lot. Never underestimate(低估) your power to change yourself!












One possible version:

Changing ourselves is not only necessary, but inevitable, especially when sometimes we are not able to change the challenging situations at all. Fighting for change is a key trait to our success and it also spirits us up and gives us a new perspective to look at the life and the world.

Something like that happened to me once. There was a time when I was laughed at by my classmates while I was walking. Puzzled about why they laughed at me, I decided to find out the answer. One of them told me that the way I walked was very strange and funny. I was overwhelmed with sadness but I just couldn’t change the way I walked. And the situation of being laughed at just didn’t stop. Therefore, I changed my attitude toward the incident. I ignored those comments on me and walked as I used to. The comments soon disappeared and I was so glad to have succeeded in the quiet war.

To sum up, we should keep changing and growing. Sometimes we need to change our life attitude; sometimes we need to change our views of seeing things; sometimes we need to be tolerant; sometimes we need to be strong. Change ourselves according to the specific situation, and our life will be full of strength and vigor.



【亮点说明】本篇范文属于三段式结构,不仅层次分明,段落衔接紧密,而且语言流畅自然。文章最大的亮点是高级词汇和多种句式的使用。比如inevitable、trait、vigor、 tolerant、therefore和短语spirit up、to sum up等。还有状语从句especially when sometimes we are not able to change the challenging situations at all,和while I was walking. Puzzled about why they laughed at me定语从句There was a time when I was laughed at by my classmates 并列句兼祈使句Change ourselves according to the specific situation, and our life will be full of strength and vigor.。








