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注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:混乱chaos;车道lane;停车场parking lot

Dear Mayor,

I’m writing to give some suggestions to improve our city’s transportation.



Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



Dear Mayor,

I’m writing to give some suggestions to improve our city’s transportation.

At present, traffic jams have become a major problem faced by most people of our city every day. The number of private cars has been increasing. What’s more, some drivers disobey traffic rules, causing traffic chaos. All this often results in traffic jams.

In my opinion,measures must be taken to solve this problem. First, the government should encourage people to use public transport more and at the same time limit private cars. Second,more lanes and parking lots should be built. Third, it’s important to educate the public to obey traffic rules.

I would appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration. I’m looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua




【亮点说明】What’s more, some drivers disobey traffic rules, causing traffic chaos.这里现在分词作结果状语。I would appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration.这里的句型I would appreciate it if用的很好。



We don’t know how different our life in the future. We can only try to imagine it.

At first we think about human relationship. In the year 2050, we will use computers almost every day, we will be making new friends through the Internet— even our husbands or wives will be met in this way. It will be much faster and easier for us. On the other hand, our relationships with people won’t be as important as they are today— we will feel a little lonely.

Computers will also help us in many other activities in 2050. For example, they will be used by the children at school to make their learning easier. In addition, there will be more other machines which will play a similar role as computers, like robots which will do the housework for us.

Spending holidays will also be completely different. Traveling to other planets or to the moon will be available for everyone. Means of transport will, of course, change, too. We will be using solar-powered cars, which will be much environmentally friendly.

We could expect that the faster economic development would lead to a more polluted environment. But it isn’t true. We will pay more attention to protecting the environment. Scientists will probably find cures for many dangerous diseases, like cancer or AIDS. Therefore, our surroundings as well as health will be in better condition.

Although we cannot predict the exact changes which will be made in the world, we often think about them. We worry about our and our children’s future; we have expectation, hopes as well as fears. But I think we should be rather sanguine about our future. We should be happy and believe good things will happen.

1.The underlined word “sanguine” in the last paragraph most probably means __________.

A. disappointed B. surprised

C. curious D. optimistic

2.According to the passage, which of the following will happen in 2050?

A. It will not be difficult for people to travel to other plants.

B. Our environment will be much polluted with a growing number of cars.

C. The way of spending holidays will be the same as that of today

D. The relationship between people will be more important than today.

3.The third paragraph mainly tells__________.

A. that computers will do all the things for human being

B. how people will use robots to do housework.

C. that machines like computer and robots will help people a lot.

D. how people will use computer to communicate with each other.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. What high technology will appear in the year 2050.

B. What our life will be like in the year 2050.

C. How people will communicate in the year 2050.

D. How people will travel and spend their holidays in the year 2050.









1.We should be happy and believe good things will happen.”可知,作者认为我们应该对将来保持乐观的心态,相信美好的事情将会发生。A失望的;B惊讶的;C好奇的;D乐观的,故选D。

2.Spending holidays will also be completely different. Traveling to other planets or to the moon will be available for everyone.”可知,在2050年,旅游度假也将会变得不同,每个人都能前往其他星球旅行。故选A。

3.Computers will also help us in many other activities in 2050. …In addition, there will be more other machines which will play a similar role as computers, like robots”可知,第三段讲的是,到2050年,电脑和其他机器如机器人将帮助人们做许多事情,故选C。

4.We don’t know how different our life in the future. We can only try to imagine it.

At first we think about human relationship. …Computers will also help us in many other activities in 2050. …Spending holidays will also be completely different.”可知,文章对2050年的日常生活进行了一些大胆的猜想,故选B。







