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My wife, Kathy and I moved with our two-year-old son, Nate, to a small native village in Alaska. The small three- and four-passenger plane we took so our little boy that he took his favorite blanket and covered his head until we on the small dirt landing strips. During the months that followed, my son carried his security everywhere. He couldn’t fall asleep until he had it.

The second year, I had a chance to guest speak in Seattle. While I was for the trip, my son followed me around the room. Fine-tuning my speech in my mind, I was a little distracted. My son seemed most about my having to fly out in bad weather on one of those small planes he so much. I reassured him that I would be .

When I got to the hotel in Seattle, I didn’t have time to until later that evening, and I was when I opened my luggage and found my son’s security blanket inside. I my wife trying to find the lost blanket as she prepared our son for . I immediately to the phone to call Kathy.

When I began to explain that I had no idea how the blanket had been packed, Kathy me down with the news that she already knew where the blanket was.

She told me that she had held Nate by the window to let him me drive away from the house. She had suggested that they pray for “Daddy to have a safe .” Knowing that our son would be most the small plane ride, she prayed, “Dear Lord, please help Daddy feel on the little plane.” When the prayer was over, our son Nate his mom,“Don’t worry, Mom, I gave Daddy my blanket to keep him safe.”

1.A. attracted B. cheered C. impressed D. terrified

2.A. set about B. set down C. set in D. set out

3.A. plane B. books C. blanket D. prayer

4.A. packing B. reading C. writing D. discussing

5.A. curious B. excited C. worried D. confused

6.A. enjoyed B. feared C. prayed D. flew

7.A. fine B. happy C. hard-working D. easy

8.A. call B. rest C. unpack D. examine

9.A. shocked B. satisfied C. amused D. disappointed

10.A. thought B. pictured C. talked D. hated

11.A. gladly B. sincerely C. hurriedly D. desperately

12.A. food B. school C. bed D. work

13.A. asked B. rushed C. ordered D. walked

14.A. accidentally B. inaccurately C. deliberately D. casually

15.A. let B. calmed C. took D. blew

16.A. bless B. think C. watch D. check

17.A. speech B. hotel C. job D. trip

18.A. afraid of B. tired of C. worn out D. interested in

19.A. wonderful B. excellent C. safe D. great

20.A. annoyed B. answered C. pleased D. comforted

























1. attracted系;B. cheered欢呼;C. impressed留下印象;D. terrified使恐吓;句意:这个三四个人的飞机使我的儿子很害怕,因为他带着他最喜欢的毯子,盖着头,直到我们下了飞机。根据下方提到During the months that followed, my son carried his security everywhere. He couldn’t fall asleep until he had it.可知吓到了儿子,故选D项。

2. set about开始;B. set down写下,下车;C. set in踏入;D. set out开始;句意:这个三四个人的飞机使我的儿子很害怕,因为他带着他最喜欢的毯子,盖着头,直到我们下了飞机。根据语境直到我们下了飞机,故选B项。

3. plane飞机;B. books书;C. blanket毯子;D. prayer祝福;句意:在接下来的几个月,儿子一直带着小毯子。根据上文提到The small three- and four-passenger plane we took so our little boy that he took his favorite blanket故选C项。

4. packing整理;B. reading阅读;C. writing写;D. discussing讨论;句意:当我整理行囊时,我儿子到哪都跟我身后。根据上文The second year, I had a chance to guest speak in Seattle.故选A项。

5. curious好奇的;B. excited兴奋的;C. worried着急的;D. confused困惑;句意:我儿子对于我在这么糟糕的天气下乘飞机很是担心,因为他非常害怕这些小型的飞机。根据第一段提到乘飞机的经历,故选C项。

6. enjoyed 喜欢;B. feared害怕;C. prayed祈祷;D. flew飞;句意:我儿子对于我在这么糟糕的天气下乘飞机很是担心,因为他非常害怕这些小型的飞机。根据第一段提到乘飞机的经历,故选B项。

7. fine好的;B. happy高兴的;C. hard-working努力工作;D. easy容易的;句意:我再三的向他保证我会安全的。根据上文提到他很担心,故选A项。

8. call打电话;B. rest休息;C. unpack打开行李取出;D. examine检查;句意:我没有时间拿出行李来整理,直到晚上;因为没有时间,故没有打开行李,故选 C 项。

9. shocked 震惊的;B. satisfied满意的;C. amused愉快的;D. disappointed失望的;句意:当我打开行李时非常震惊。根据下方提到 found my son’s security blanket inside发现我儿子的毯子在我的行李里,很是吃惊,故选A项。

10. thought认为;B. pictured画画,描述,想象;C. talked说;D. hated讨厌;句意:我想到妻子正绝望地发现为儿子准备的毯子不见了。根据语境向妻子描述这件事;

11. gladly高兴地;B. sincerely真诚地;C. hurriedly匆忙地;D. desperately绝望地;句意:因为要铺床,所以很焦急的寻找这个小毯子,故选D项。

12. food食物;B. school 学校;C. bed床;D. work工作;句意:因为要铺床,所以很焦急的寻找这个小毯子。根据语境可知儿子没有这个毯子睡不着觉,故选C项。

13. asked要求;B. rushed冲;C. ordered 命令;D. walked走;句意:我立刻冲到电话那给凯西找电话。根据上文提到儿子睡觉需要,所以肯定很着急,故选B项。

14. accidentally意外地;B. inaccurately 不准确地;C. deliberately难以置信地;D. casually无意地;句意:我开始解释我也不知道毯子是怎么意外地被放进来的。根据下方提到Kathy me down with the news that she already knew where the blanket was.选A项。

15. let使;B. calmed平静;C. took带走;D. blew吹;句意:妻子平静地告诉我,她知道这件事。Calm sb down使某人平静下来,故选B项。

16. bless 保佑;B. think认为;C. watch看;D. check检查;句意:她告诉我他抱着儿子从窗户看到我驱车离开。Watch sb do 看到某人做了某事,故选C项。

17. speech演讲;B. hotel酒店;C. job工作;D. trip旅行;句意:她曾建议到,希望爸爸有个安全的旅行。根据语境可知父亲要乘飞机旅行,故选D项。

18. afraid of 害怕;B. tired of 厌烦;C. worn out 破旧的;D. interested in感兴趣的;句意:知道我们的儿子非常害怕这种小型飞机。根据第一段提到The small three- and four-passenger plane we took so our little boy that he took his favorite blanket可知选A项。

19. wonderful精彩的;B. excellent杰出的;C. safe安全的;D. great好的;句意:她祈祷到,上帝,请保佑爸爸飞行安全。根据She had suggested that they pray for “Daddy to have a safe 32可知选C项。

20. annoyed使烦恼;B. answered回答;C. pleased 高兴;D. comforted安慰;句意:当我们祷告结束时,我们的儿子安慰他的妈妈,别担心,我已经把我心爱的小毯子给爸爸,会保佑他平安的,故选D项。


When we reached the top of the hill,a magnificent view of the sea________us.

A.acknowledged  B.interrupted

C.displayed  D.greeted




【解析】 考查动词辨析。句意为:当我们到达山顶的时候,壮丽的海景映入眼帘。acknowledge承认;interrupt打断;display陈列;greet映入……的眼帘。

答案: D







