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When buying from a dealer, the law says that a car must be:

As described:

This includes the history of the car as well as its specification. For example, if the dealer described the car as previously having “one careful lady owner”, it shouldn’t turn out to have had several previous “boy racer” owners.

Of satisfactory quality:

  It must meet the standard that a reasonable person would regard as acceptable and be free from any quality problem. Also, bear in mind that a second-hand car will have a slightly different definition of what is considered “satisfactory, because there’s certainly an element of wear and tear.

Fit for the purpose:

It must be reasonable fit for any normal purpose and this includes any purpose that you specify to the seller.

●If any of the above is violated, then in theory, you may have the right to reject the vehicle and get your money back if you’re reasonably quick. Alternatively, the dealer might offer to replace or repair the car; reduce the price of offering a partial refund(退款). Once you’ve informed the dealer that you wish to reject the car, you must stop using the vehicle.

●If the rejection is not accepted, then it’s up to you to prove your case. You’ll need to pay for an independent assessment of the car and sue for damages. If you do choose a repair, insist the dealer provide you with a hire car or pay any reasonable traveling expenses thus produced while your new car is in the garage.

●If the car is new, it’s likely that the claim will be too high to be fought. Using the small claims procedure to you may have to pay for legal representation. All this can be pretty daunting and expensive. You need to weigh up the pros and cons before rejecting a car. Would a repair do just as well? Selecting a dealer who offers a clear exchange policy may help.

1.After the above writing, you will be better at          .

A. choosing a car B. dealing with car sellers

C. making a claim D. suing for damages

2.According to the text, what is essential after you inform the dealer of your wish to reject the car________?

A. Suing for damages. B. Demanding traveling expenses.

C. Stopping using it. D. Proving your case.

3.If the dealer offers to repair the car you have bought, which of the following is acceptable_______?

A. Asking the dealer to provide you with a hire car.

B. Asking the dealer to provide you with repair tool sets.

C. Asking the dealer to pay all of your traveling expenses.

D. Asking the dealer to return all your money.

4.Which of the following words has the closest meaning to the underlined word “daunting” in the last paragraph________?

A. Different. B. Effective. C. Discouraging. D. Convenient.

5.What does the writer want to say in the last paragraph_________?

A. Buyers should select a dealer that offers to repair the car.

B. Rejecting a new car is not necessarily the best choice.

C. It’s necessary that a new car should be repaired.

D. Buyers should never reject a new car.










1.When buying from a dealer, the law says that a car must be”可知,与描述相符、保证质量这三个小标题主要讲的是买车时的注意事项,而不是教你如何买车,所以A项不正确,故选B。

2.Once you’ve informed the dealer that you wish to reject the car, you must stop using the vehicle.”可知,一旦你通知经销商要退车,你就必须停止使用那辆车,故选C。

3.insist the dealer provide you with a hire car or pay any reasonable traveling expenses thus produced while your new car is in the garage”可知,当汽车在修理期间,可以要求经销商提供暂时用车或支付出行的费用,故选A。

4.it’s likely that the claim will be too high to be fought. …All this can be pretty daunting and expensive.”可知,如果是新车,进行索赔的诉讼可能花销会很大,往往会让人望而却步,A不同的;B有效的;C使气馁的;D便利的,故选C。

5.If the car is new, it’s likely that the claim will be too high to be fought. …You need to weigh up the pros and cons before rejecting a car. Would a repair do just as well?”可知,新车的话,没有必要退掉,修理一下就可以了,在作出决定之前,你需要权衡一下利弊,故选B。



关于潮汐,古人说:“潮者,据朝来也;汐者,言夕至也.”图10-6-1是利用潮汐发电的示意图.左方为陆地和海湾,中间为大坝;其下有通道,水经通道可带动发电机.涨潮时,水进入海湾,待内外水面高度相同,堵住通道[图10-6-1(甲)],潮退至最低点时放水发电[图10-6-1(乙)];待内外水面高度相同;再堵住通道,直到下次涨潮至最高点,又放水发电[图10-6-1(丙)].设海湾面积为5.0×107 m2,高潮与低潮间高度差3.0 m,则一天内水流的平均功率为_____MW.



(注:实际上由于各种损失,发电功率仅为水流的平均功率的10%—25%.例如法国兰斯河(the Rance River)潮汐发电站水势能释放平均功率240 MW,而发电功率仅为62 MW)




    Mg=ρVg=1.0×103×5.0×107×3×10 N=1.5×1012 N

    其重心的高度变化为:h=1.5 m


    P=021到2022学年度上学期上册英语周报第13期双语学习报答案" W≈1.0×108 W

    即P≈100 MW.







