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Human beings are the most intelligent of all animals because we are gifted with the ability to think and reason logcally. Scientists and even common people with special intelligence have made a lotol inventions and contributions to modern lifestyle in the past. “Houses” have been the most popular area for discoveries and inventions in the past and even now.

Many household items have been the result of people who desired better functioning of the existent products.Every indivicdual has intelligence and if it is used properly for the right purpose it leads to invenaion of a new tool or device.Many new household inveritions are made almost every day and there are specific companies, which particularly keep a record of all these inventions.

A lot of inventions have been made recently in the household field. These products are pa- tented(专利的) and have trade mark licenses(许可) . The patented sliding cinch is a very simple but effedtive method to prevent shoulder stress and injury for those who work before computers all day long. Vanity PC is a type of computer fumiture that speciflcally hides all the computer wires and keeps; a clean and good look. All the outdoor dust, mud and snow can be kept out of the house by installing(安装) the dirt drain(排水管) at the entrance of the door. Another important invention is the automatic toilet night-light, in which a small light starts when the lid of the toilet seat is opened and closes as soon as the lid is closed.

These are some of the new household inventions invented mostly by common people. Thus, a variety of new household items are invented every day, which helps in a better functioning of household chores and in a more useful manner.

1.The first paragraph tells us the importance of

A. the particular changes in houses

B. the advantages of modern lifestyle

C. the difference between human beings and animals

D. human being role in making inventions

2.What plays the most impoltant role in causing people to invent new things?

A. To improve the present living conditions.

B. To earn more money and gain awards.

C. To be recorded by some special companies.

D. To meet the new demands of new science.

3.It can be inferred that the sliding cinch is used to

A. prevent your shoulder from being over-pressured

B. keep your shoulder safe and sound when you are in an accident or an operation

C. help you practice your shoulder more often and reduce shoulder pains

D. cover your shoulder and make it stronger to resist the outside strike

4.Common people can also make good inventions because

A.some inventions are easy to be made and can be mastered by common people

B.common people have a strong desire to do something for science research

C.wisdom and in spiration sometimes come from everyday life

D.success is often connected with hardship and bitter experience of common people

5.The passage is mainly talking about _______.

A. the correct use of household facilities

B. household inventions and t七年级英语周报2023-2024答案全国版FJM福建heir influence

C. different ideas about household inventions

D. the history of household inventions
















You may think your bathroom is often full of bacteria(细菌) and so you give it a complete cleaning once a week. But how often do you clean out and disinfect(消毒) your fridge? Well, probably not often enough, according to a recent study, which found out that the fridge is the second dirtiest place in your house, just behind the bathroom.

Fridge temperatures were often set too high, allowing the growth of bacteria, which included E.coil, Enterobacteria, and S. aureus, all of which will give you an easy access to food poisoning. So what can you do to ensure your fridge—and your food in it—is not a health threat?

For starters, clean the fridge weekly—wipe it and repeat.

Make sure your fridge is at the correct temperature for storing food, between 0 and 5 degrees centigrade. Your freezer should be below-18 degrees centigrade. You can use fridge and freezer thermeters to make sure this is the case.

Some modern fridges have zones to store different types of food ,such as meat and vegetables. Make sure you don`t store meat in the vegetable zone, as the temperature there might be higher.

Make sure you don not leave the door open too long as the temperature in the fridge will quickly rise, creating a breeding(繁殖) ground for bacteria.

Cover food that has not been finished, and eat it within a couple of days.

Keep bottles and jars closed.

Keep raw meat away from cooked meat. Both should be well covered to prevent pollution.

Store raw meat at the bottom of the fridge to stop juices dripping onto other foods.

Finally, use common sense, and throw away old food.

1.What do we know from the first paragraph?

A.People often clean their fridges once a week.

B.A recent study shows the bathroom is the dirtiest place in the house.

C.Many people don`t believe that the fridge is a dirty place.

D.The fridge may not have as many bacteria as the bathroom.

2.Which is the best temperature for storing your food in the fridge?

A.10?CB.-2 ?CC.4 ?CD.-18 ?C

3.The purpose of this text is to________.

A.introduce some common knowledge about fridges

B.teach people how to fix their fridges

C.guide people to store food properly in their fridges

D.let people know how to keep their fridges clean

















