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Don’t worry. It’s just a regular blood test. It’ll finish within seconds.

A. other than B. rather than

C. no more than D. much more than








There were a thousand reasons not to stop.I was running late for a very important…well,whatever it was that I was running late for that day.Surely the Highway Patrol would be along soon,and it’s their job to help stranded (搁浅) motorists,isn’t it?

That made 1,004 reasons not to stop.And here was 1,005:I was the world’s worst auto mechanic.The first time I tried to change my car’s oil myself I did fine—until I forgot to put the new oil in.The boys down at the garage had a big laugh over that.

I’m not sure how much it would have helped that lady who was stranded by the side of the freeway if I had pulled over.So I drove on by,just like hundreds of other drivers on the freeway that day.Then suddenly I turned off at the next exit and made my way back to see if I could at least give her a lift or something.But by the time I got back to her,a Hispanic (西班牙的) gentleman had pulled in behind her,and was tinkering (修补) with her car’s engine.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” I asked.

“No,thank you,”the lady replied.“This nice man says he can fix it.” After the man repaired it,the woman tried to give him some money,but he declined and waved as she drove off.It wasn’t until we started walking toward our cars that I noticed he had five more reasons not to stop than I did;his family was sitting in the station wagon,waiting patiently.“Do you stop and help people like this often?”I asked.

“Somebody has to,”he said.“What’s she going to do if nobody helps?”And for him,that was enough.

1.By telling the story,the author intends to tell us ________.

A.we must help someone in trouble even if we have every reason not to do so

B.if we don’t have the necessary skills or knowledge,we can’t help a person much

C.what the person in trouble needs most is kindness rather than practical skills

D.we much thank the person who has helped us when we are in trouble

2.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?

A.The author once helped a person who was in trouble but was laughed at by a


B.The author just wanted to find an excuse to stop to help the stranded lady.

C.The author doubted whether he had the ability to give the lady some necessary


D.What the author was running late for made him very angry.

3.Why did the author make his way back at the next exit?

A.Because he wanted to see if anybody else had helped the lady out.

B.Because he felt guilty about not helping the lady.

C.Because he wanted to help the Hispanic gentleman fix the lady’s car.

D.Because he had thought of a way to help the lady.









1.答案 A [推理判断题。对比作者自己和西班牙男子所做的事情可知,后者有更充分的理由可以不给这位汽车抛锚的女士以帮助,但后者却这样做了,因此作者通过本文想表达的思想是:无论你自己多么忙也应该给别人以帮助。]

2.2】答案 C [推理判断题。综合前两段的信息可知,作者在强调自己没有帮助汽车抛锚的女士的原因,其中之一是作者的汽修技能很差,因此断定,作者怀疑自己即使停下来也帮不上什么忙。]

3.3】答案 A [推理判断题。对比作者自己和西班牙男子所做的事情可知,后者有更充分的理由可以不给这位汽车抛锚的女士以帮助,但后者却这样做了,因此作者通过本文想表达的思想是:无论你自己多么忙也应该给别人以帮助。]

4.4】答案 C [推理判断题。综合前两段的信息可知,作者在强调自己没有帮助汽车抛锚的女士的原因,其中之一是作者的汽修技能很差,因此断定,作者怀疑自己即使停下来也帮不上什么忙。]

5.5】答案 B [细节理解题。根据“Then suddenly I turned off at the next exit and made my way back to see if I could at least give her a lift or something.”可知作者想回去看看能不能帮到什么忙,说明当时是后悔没有帮这位女士,所以才回去的。]






