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Diligence is the means by which one makes up for one’s dullness. If you are not good at something, you may as well practise it many times until you make it.









One possible version:

As is universally acknowledged, practice makes perfect. Needless to say, practice is of great significance for us to challenge drawbacks and achieve success.

It remains fresh in my memory that there was a time when I suffered great frustration in learning English. Failing to master the new words, I gave way to despair, as a consequence of which my academic performance got from bad to worse. Fortunately, a scene that happened to a little boy changed me. At that time I accidentally found him practicing riding bicycle in the playground. Though constantly falling off the bicycle and in pain, he never abandoned it. Instead, he encouraged himself to practice over and over again. At length, he could ride skillfully. Inspired by him, I set about paying more attention and energy to practicing English words and sentences and eventually the progress achieved was considerable.

As is shown in the case above, only by practicing a lot can the flower of success blossom.


试题分析:根据提示判断本文属于话题作文。命题者在提示语中明确提出了话题diligence“勤奋”。由最后一句提示语 practise it many times until you make it 很容易联想到practice makes perfect“熟能生巧”这句话。这个话题很贴近学生的生活,所以在第二段联系实际事例时会相对轻松。当然在列举事例时要主要不要透露个人信息。描写完事例后可用几句话证明文章观点,以丰富文章主体部分。因为事例贴近生活,注意不要使用过于简单的词汇或短语或过多的口语,适当使用一些高级词汇和短语,会使文章提升档次。最后一段用两到三句话总结事例,点名主题。


本篇范文灵活使用各种句式如非限制性定语从句As is universally acknowledged,As is shown in the case above,定语从句a scene that happened to a little boy changed me,it作形式主语that引导真正的主语从句It remains fresh in my memory that there was a time when I suffered great frustration in learning English,倒装句 only by practicing a lot can the flower of success blossom等,使文章结构紧凑,同时也显示了作者对英语法语的熟练掌握。在文章第一段和最后一段句首使用as引导的非限制性定语从句,在结构上使得文章有序不凌乱。其次,在第一段引入谚语practice makes perfect是文章的亮点之一。再者,文章第二段现在分词作伴随状语的用法也很巧妙。如Failing to master the new words,Though constantly falling off the bicycle and in pain和Inspired by him。最后,文中高级词汇的使用如significance,At length,considerable也为文章整体层次的提示有很大贡献。


Not long ago, few little girls imagined they could grow up to be astronauts. In 1983, that changed. Sally Ride made history by becoming the first American woman to travel into space.

Ride died at the age of 61. “Sally was a national hero and a powerful role model,” President Barack Obama said in a statement.

Ride became interested in space when she was a kid. “If you asked me when I was 12 whether I wanted to be an astronaut, I’m sure I would have said yes,” she told TFK in a 2010 interview. “But I didn’t even think about that as a possible career.”

After studying physics in college and graduate school, Ride got her chance. She was accepted into NASA’s astronaut training program in 1978, and then chosen to be the first American female in space. In 1983, she blasted into space aboard the Challenger shuttle. “There is no amusement park ride on Earth that even comes close. It can’t be more wonderful,” she said.

Ride returned to space on the Challenger a second time in 1984. In the two missions, she spent a total of 343 hours in orbit. After that, she remained involved with the space program and also worked to share her passion for space with kids. She wrote five science books about space for children, and started her own science education company.

Ride knew that she held a unique place in history. “I realized how important it was for a woman to break that barrier and open the door for other women to be able to do the same exciting things that men had been doing,” she said.

Since Ride’s historic trip, more than 40 other American women have traveled to space. They all had Ride to thank for opening the door to the final frontier.

1.Which of the following is true?

A. Sally was the first person to travel to space in America.

B. Sally wanted to be an astronaut even when she was a pupil.

C. Sally was interested in space, so she chose astronautics as her major.

D. Sally graduated from college and first traveled to space in 1983.

2.From the fifth paragraph, we know that Sally .

A. was good at doing business

B. wanted to be rich by doing business

C. became a famous writer at last

D. had a lasting interest in space

3.What can we infer from the text?

A. Sally inspired many American women to travel to space.

B. Sally made great contributions to American economic development.

C. Women astronauts used to be looked down upon in American history.

D. The government did not allow women to become astronauts in the past.

4.Which of the following could be the best title for the text?

A. Sally Ride’s first space trip

B. A national hero flying in space

C. Sally Ride, a successful businesswoman

D. Sally Ride, a real educator for kids








试题分析:文章介绍美国第一个进入太空的女性Sally Ride的事迹,文章有她对太空探索的热情,她对太空探索的贡献和对美国女性探索太空的激励作用。





考点: 考查人物传记类短文






