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Investing in yourself

Figuring out how to invest your money can be a difficult task. This is something that you will want to learn how to do.

1._ Things that will improve your knowledge, skills or health are all great investments. However, before you start, you need to be clear about what you will gain out of doing all of these things.

You may think investing in yourself means investing in your education. _2.___. There are some other things you can do as well as buying a gym membership or learning a new skill.

So what are some specific things you can do? ___3.___. Reading books can really expand your mind and allow you to learn different skills and gain knowledge. I’m talking about the books where you will actually learn a new skill, not fiction books.

You can also take courses and attend seminars. These programs are taught by people with a high level of knowledge or skill. __4.____. Only in this way can you avoid being fooled by some sales presentation.

Moreover, investing in yourself is a safe way to keep your money. Although a savings account is seen as the most secure investment, that isn’t 100% safe. Even if you never experience your bank closing down, the return is little when inflation(通货膨胀) is taken into consideration. ___5.___. But over time, they will show up in terms of your happiness level as well as your level of success.

A.The benefits will stay with you.

B.This is just one way.

C.If you aren’t a reader, you should start with that.

D.The more you do this, the more valuable you will be.

E.The best way to invest your money is to invest it in yourself.

F.Of course, you need to do some research before investing.

G.When you invest in yourself, you may not see gains right away.









试题分析: 如何投资你的钱是一个艰巨的任务,而投资自己是一个安全的保存钱的方式。在本文中作者介绍了几项为自己的投资。比如你可以进行能够增长知识,技能或者改善健康的投资。这可以是教育方面的投资,也可以购买健身会员或学习一项新技术。

1. 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据后句内容Things that will improve your knowledge, skills or health are all great investments.可知作者指出了什么是投资,其中investment是提示词和E选项 The best way to invest your money is to invest it in yourself.内容相符,选E。

2.There are some other things you can do as well as buying a gym membership or learning a new skill.可以判断该空上提出了一种方法,故B选项内容This is just one way.符合语境,选B。

3.If you aren’t a reader, you should start with that.符合语境,选C。

4.Only in this way can you avoid being fooled by some sales presentation. 警告人们要避免被骗,由此判断F选项Of course, you need to do some research before investing.是避免被骗的做法,告诫人们要提前调查,选F。[来

5.When you invest in yourself, you may not see gains right away.可以起到承上启下的作用,选G。


最近,不少城市发出了“减少白色污染”的倡议,得到广大市民的支持。请以“ People should not be encouraged to use plastic bags ”为话题在博客上发表简单评论。

注意:词数120左右。参考词汇:可分解的degradable 窒息choke






One possible version:

Plastic bags are very popular in our daily life. People go shopping with plastic bags in free markets, super markets, or departments.

But plastic bags are one of the major pollutants. We can see littered plastic bags thrown everywhere, especially along the railways or highways, in the parks or in the rivers. Because plastics is not degradable, once it is thrown in the environment, it will exist for a long time and pollute soil and water. They are even dangerous to wildlife as thousands of sea animals are killed each year when they eat or are choked by plastic bags. What’s more, “white pollution” creates a bad image for China.

So government should make a law to forbid the use of plastic bags in department stores and supermarkets. Meanwhile, people should be encouraged to replace them with paper bags or cloth bags.


试题分析:本篇书面表达要求以“ People should not be encouraged to use plastic bags ”为话题在博客上对于最近很多城市发出的 “减少白色污染”的倡议进行简单的评论。文章只是给出了话题,没有列出要点,属于半开放性作文。但是污染是同学们耳熟能详的话题,内容接近生活,学生们都能做到有话可说。不过在写作时要注意篇章结构的安排要合理,应该首先提出问题,然后分析问题,最后解决问题,也就是提出解决的方法。对于这个话题同学们虽然会有很多话说,但是一定不要只是做到现象或者方法的简单罗列,而是应该使用恰当的连词,以使文章语言通顺,内容连贯。还要尽量多使用高级词汇和多种句式,此外还要注意文章应使用一般现在时。

【亮点说明】本篇范文采用经典的三段式围绕着“ People should not be encouraged to use plastic bags ”这一话题展开论述。首先作者提出了塑料袋在日常生活中普遍使用这一现象,然后用But plastic bags are one of the major pollutants.作为过渡句和主题句开始了对塑料袋对环境的危害进行介绍。最后得出结论So government should make a law to forbid the use of plastic bags in department stores and supermarkets.紧扣文章中心。在文中作者还使用了But,So等连词有效起到了过渡的作用,而且还使用了what’s more,meanwhile等词使文章内容衔接紧凑,语言通顺流畅。








