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One windy spring day, I observed young people having fun using the wind to their kites. Multicolored creations of varying shapes and sizes the sky like beautiful birds darting(俯冲) and . As the strong winds gusted against the kites, a kept them in check.

blowing away with the wind, they arose against it to achieve great . They shook and pulled, the control string and the long tail kept them in check, facing upward and against the wind. As the kites and trembled against the string, they seemed to say, “Let me go! Let me go! I want to be free!” They flew beautifully even they fought the restriction(约束) of the string. , one of the kites succeeded in breaking loose. “Free at last,” it seemed to say. “Free to fly with the wind.”

Yet from restraint simply put it an unsympathetic breeze. It flew awkwardly to the ground and in a wild mass of weeds and string against a dead bush. “Free at last”, free to lie powerless in the dirt, to be blown along the ground, and to stuck lifeless against the first barrier.

How much like kites we sometimes are. The heaven gives us misfortune and restrictions, rules to from which we can and gain strength. Restraint is a counterpart(对应物) to the winds of opposition. Some of us resist the rules so hard that we never fly high enough to reach the heights we might have obtained. We obey part of the rules and rise high enough to get our tails off the ground.

Let us each rise to the great heights, that some of the restraints that we may be unhappy about are actually the steadying force that helps us and achieve.

1.A. make B. play C. fly D. enjoy

2.A. covered B. transformed C. explored D. filled

3.A. singing B. dancing C. moving D. falling

4.A. chain B. rope C. string D. stick

5.A. Rather than B. Instead ofC. Apart from D. Other than

6.A. widths B. lengths C. depths D. heights

7.A. and B. then C. but D. or

8.A. escaped B. struggled C. arose D. fought

9.A. as B. while C. before D. after

10.A. Gradually B. Finally C. Actually D. Obviously

11.A. Dependence B. Power C. Freedom D. Happiness

12.A. in favor of B. at the expense of C. in the charge of D. in control of

13.A. deserted B. landed C. grew D. dropped

14.A. helplessly B. senselessly C. carelessly D. hopelessly

15.A. break B. follow C. acknowledge D. interrupt

16.A. protect B. suffer C. grow D. survive

17.A. necessary B. possible C. probable D. likely

18.A. yet B. never C. ever D. then

19.A. considering B. attempting C. thinking D. recognizing

20.A. go up B. run away C. hurry up D. fly away

























1.C考查动词辨析A. make使;B. play 玩;C. fly飞;D. enjoy喜欢;句意:一个有风的春日,我看到有人要放风筝。根据As the strong winds gusted against the kites, a kept them in check可知在放风筝,故选C项。

2.2】D考查动词辨析A. covered 覆盖;B. transformed改变;C. explored探索;D. filled充满;句意:各种色彩形状的风筝充满了天空,就象漂亮的小鸟在俯冲和跳舞,根据语境可知选D项。

3.3】B考查动词辨析A. singing唱歌;B. dancing跳舞;C. moving移动;D. falling下降;句意:各种色彩形状的风筝充满了天空,就象漂亮的小鸟在俯冲和跳舞。根据语境选B项。

4.4】C考查名词辨析A. chain 链子;B. rope 绳子;C. string线;D. stick棍;句意:当风逆向面来时,线让他们受到限制。根据They shook and pulled, the control string and the long tail kept them in check可知选C项。

5.5】B考查短语辨析A. Rather than而不是;B. Instead of 反而;C. Apart from除了;D. Other than除;句意:没有被风吹走,他们想到又提升了一个高度。根据语境可知选B项。

6.6】D考查名词辨析A. widths宽度;B. lengths 长度;C. depths深度;D. heights高度;句意:没有被风吹走,他们想到又提升了一个高度,根据语境选D项。

7.7】C考查连词辨析A. and 并且;B. then然后;C. but但是;D. or否则;句意:他们不断的晃动着,但这条线和尾巴让他们受到限制。两个句子是转折关系,故选C项。

8.8】B考查动词辨析A. escaped逃避;B. struggled努力;C. arose出现;D. fought战斗;句意:当风筝努力对抗着线时,他们好象在说,让我飞吧,我想要自由。根据语境可知当风来时,会使劲的拉扯线,故选B项。

9.9】A考查连词辨析A. as因为;B. while 然而;C. before之前 ;D. after之后;句意:因为有了线的约束他们飞得更精彩。两个句子之间是因果关系,故选A项。

10.0】B考查副词辨析A. Gradually逐渐的;B. Finally最后;C. Actually事实上;D. Obviously显然;句意:最后,其中一个风筝成功的挣脱了。根据Free at last,” it seemed to say. “Free to fly with the wind.可知选B项。

11.1】C考查名词辨析A. Dependence独立;B. Power力量;C. Freedom 自由;D. Happiness幸福;句意:然而没有约束的自由让他由无情的风来掌控。根据上文提到Free to fly with the wind可知选C项。

12.2】C考查介词短语辨析A. in favor of支持;B. at the expense of以。。为代价;C. in the charge of 由。。管理;D. in control of 控制;句意:然而没有约束的自由让他由无情的风来掌控。根据句意选C项。

13.3】B考查动词辨析A. deserted抛弃;B. landed着陆;C. grew生长;D. dropped落下;句意:它尴尬地掉在地上并且落在草丛里。根据语境可知选B项。

14.4】A考查副词辨析;A. helplessly无助地;B. senselessly无意义地;C. carelessly小心地;D. hopelessly没有希望地;句意:自由的结果是无助地被吹到地上,被无情地困住。根据and to stuck lifeless against the first barrier.可知选A项。

15.5】B考查动词辨析A. break 打破;B. follow跟随;C. acknowledge承认;D. interrupt打断;句意:上帝用恶运和约束,规则来伴随我们的成长,让我们获得力量。根据句意选B项。

16.6】C考查动词辨析;A. protect保护;B. suffer 遭受;C. grow 生长;D. survive幸存;句意:上帝用恶运和约束,规则来伴随我们的成长,让我们获得力量。根据gain strength.可知选C项。

17.7】A考查形容词辨析A. necessary必要的;B. possible可能的;C. probable 可能的;D. likely可能的;句意:约束是风必要的对应物。根据语境可知选A项。

18.8】B考查副词辨析A. yet仍然;B. never从不;C. ever曾经;D. then然后;句意:我们遵守规则并且不会升得太高让我们脱离地面。根据Some of us resist the rules so hard that we never fly high enough to reach the heights we might have obtained.可知选B项。

19.9】D考查动词辨析A. considering认为;B. attempting尝试;C. thinking认为;D. recognizing辨认;句意:让我们每个人都到达新的高度,意识到一些让我们不好的约束可能就是稳定的推动力,帮我们上升和实现我们的目标。根据句意选D项。

20.20】A考查动词短语辨析A. go up上升;B. run away 跑掉;C. hurry up快点;D. fly away飞走;句意:让我们每个人都到达新的高度,意识到一些让我们不好的约束可能就是稳定的推动力,帮我们上升和实现我们的目标。根据语境可知选A项。


It is strongly suggested that measures________students to cheat in the exams.

A.be taken to prevent B.be taken to forbid

C.are taken to prevent D.are taken to forbid





试题分析:句意:大家强烈建议采取措施禁止学生考试中作弊。suggest当”建议”讲,从句应使用虚拟语气:(should) + 动词原形,由此排除C、D两项;prevent 的用法是prevent sb. from doing sth.,而forbid的用法是forbid sb. to do sth.,故可排除A,答案为B。








