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She is ______ like one of my old friends, but I’m not sure of it.

A. something B. nothing

C. really D. not





试题分析:考查不定代词。句意:她一点也不像我的老朋友中的任何一个,但我又不太肯定。Something like有点像,大约,类似;nothing like一点不像,绝对不,没有,故选B。



American researchers say drinking tea may help strengthen the body’s defense system against infection. Doctors at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, did the study. The team studied a chemical found in black, green, oolong and pekoe tea. This chemical is an amino acid(氨基酸) called L-theanine. The scientists say it may increase the strength of gamma delta T cells. That’s the letter T, not the drink. Gam高一英语周报2023-2024第21期答案牛津综合ma delta T cells are part of the body’s defense.

First, the researchers mixed some of these cells with antigens(抗原)found in the amino acid. Antigens help the body react to infection. Then the scientists added some bacteria. Within twenty-four hours, the cells produced a lot of interferon, a substance that fights infection. Cells not mixed with the antigens did not produce interferon (抗干扰素).

In the second part of the study, eleven people drank five to six cups of black tea every day. Ten other people drank the same amount of instant coffee. That is dried coffee mixed with hot water.

Two weeks later, and again two weeks after that, the researchers tested the blood of all twenty-one people. They also looked at what happened when they added bacteria to the blood cells. They found that the tea drinkers produced five times more interferon after they started drinking tea. The coffee drinkers did not produce interferon.

Doctor Jack Bukowski led the study. He says the antigens added to the gamma delta T cells were responsible for the increased reaction to the bacteria. He says that the study also showed that the cells were able to remember the bacteria and fight them again the next time.

Earlier research already has found that tea can help prevent heart disease and cancer. Doctor Bukowski says the new study must be repeated by more people. “If the findings prove to be true,” he says, “then tea drinking might also help protect against bacterial infections.” He says the amino acid L-theanine could be removed from the tea and used as a drug to strengthen the body’s defenses.

1.We may know from the text that _________ can be found in different kinds of tea.

A. L-theanine B. Gamma delta T cells

C. interferon D. bacteria

2.Tea may help strengthen the body’s defense system because it helps _________.

A. to add some bacteria to the blood cells

B. the body to produce more gamma delta T cells

C. the body to produce more interferon

D. to mix antigens with some of the cells in the body

3.According to Dr Bukowski, _________.

A. the findings of the study have already proved to be true

B. further study is needed to prove the findings true

C. he has taken some amino acid L-theanine from tea and made a drug with it

D. he is not sure whether tea help prevent heart disease and cancer

4.What would be the best title for this text?

A. Tea Is Better than Coffee B. Our Body Needs Tea

C. Tea Can Help Prevent CancerD. Tea May Help Fight Infection








试题分析: 本文是一篇科普性文章,在文中作者介绍了美国研究人员的一项发现:茶中含有的茶氨基酸可以帮助促进抗干扰素的产生,从而喝茶可以增强人体对感染的免疫力。此外,先前的研究还表明喝茶可以预防心脏病和癌症的发生,但是Bukowski博士认为对此还要进一步通过实验来证明。

1.细节理解题。根据文章首段The team studied a chemical found in black, green, oolong and pekoe tea. This chemical is an amino acid(氨基酸) called L-theanine.可知各种茶中都含有L-theanine,答案选A。

2.细节理解题。根据文章第二段…..the cells produced a lot of interferon, a substance that fights infection.可知茶可以帮助人们增强抵抗力的原因是茶可以让身体产生更多的抗干扰素,答案选C。

3.细节理解题。根据文章末段Doctor Bukowski says the new study must be repeated by more people.可知Bukowski博士认为此项研究结果仍有待于进一步考证,选B。

4.主旨大意题。作者在文章首段提出American researchers say drinking tea may help strengthen the body’s defense system against infection,然后对此进一步进行详细介绍,由此可知文章中心内容是讲述茶对人体的好处,即茶可以帮助人体抵抗感染,故D选项内容可以概括文章中心,选D。







