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About six years ago I was eating lunch in a restaurant in New York City when a woman and a young boy sat down at the next table, I couldn’t help overhearing parts of their conversation. At one point the woman asked, “So, how have you been?” And the boy—who could not have been more than seven or eight years old—replied. “Frankly, I’ve been feeling a little depressed lately.”

This incident stuck in my mind because it confirmed my growing belief that children are changing. As far as I can remember, my friends and I didn’t find out we were “depressed”, that is, in low spirits, until we were in high school.

Undoubtedly a change in children has increased steadily in recent years. Children don’t seem childlike anymore. Children speak more like adults, dress more like adults and behave more like adults than they used to.

Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say, but it certainly is different. Childhood as it once was no longer exists. Why?

Human development depends not only on born biological states, but also on patterns of gaining social knowledge. Movement from one social role to another usually involves learning the secrets of the new social positions. Children have always been taught adult secrets, but slowly and in stages; traditionally, we tell sixth graders things we keep hidden from fifth graders.

In the last 30 years, however, a secret-revelation(揭示) machine has been equipped in 98 percent of American homes. It is called television. Television passes information to all viewers alike, whether they are children or adults. Unable to resist the temptation (诱惑), many children turn their attention from printed texts to the less challenging, more attractive moving pictures.

Communication through print, as a matter of fact, allows for a great deal of control over the social information which children will gain. Children must read simple books before they can read complex materials.

1.According to the author, feeling depressed is ____________.

A. a sure sign of a mental problem in a child

B. a mental state present in all humans, including children

C. something that cannot be avoided in children’s mental development

D. something hardly to be expected in a young child

2.According to the author, that today’s children seem adult-like results from ____________.

A. the widespread influence of television

B. the poor arrangement of teaching content

C. the fast pace of human scientific development

D. the rising standard of living

3.What does the author think of communication through print for children?

A. It enables children to gain more social information.

B. It develops children’s interest in reading and writing.

C. It helps children to read and write well.

D. It can control what children are to learn.

4.What does the author think of the change in today’s children?

A. He feels their adult-like behavior is so funny.

B. He thinks the change worthy of note.

C. He considers it a rapid development.

D. He seems to be upset about it.









1. friends and I didn’t find out we were “depressed”, that is, in low spirits, until we were in high school.可知沮丧通常不会和儿童时期联系在一起,选D。

2. is called television. Television passes information to all viewers alike, whether they are children or adults..可知作者认为电视是主要因素,选A。

3. 推理判断题。从文章末段Communication through print, as a matter of fact, allows for a great deal of control over the social information which children will gain。可知作者认为传统的阅读能够控制孩子们获取信息的过程,选D。

4. this is good or bad is difficult to say, but it certainly is different。由此判断答案选B。


Last November, Nick heard a disorder at a party. A group of people had ____ outside, pointing at something floating in the Bay. As he ran to ____, he soon saw what was wrong: Two kids in a boat were caught in the ____ and being pulled out to sea.

Tim and Jack had climbed into a boat anchored nearby and had rowed out to ____ a football. Reaching beyond the calm waters, the ____ fitted to the boat caught the wind and pulled it into open water. They tried to row back. But they were no ____ for the wind and turned around in circles. Nick dashed to the farthest of land. The boat was already just a ____ on the sea. He knew that the ____ boat would soon be overtaken by the huge waves, and that it was 2 degrees. Nick jumped into the ____ cold water. Every 90 yards, he raised his head to assess his ____. At one point, he considered turning back before managing to yell to them, “Take down the umbrella!”

Tim battled with the ropes holding the umbrella. Finally he loosened the ropes and ____ the umbrella. Then Nick caught up, but soon waves crashed over the boat, which began to sink. Nick ____ it would be faster to pull them toward the nearest bank. They ____ wore life jackets , which Nick held in one hand, swimming ____.“Are we there?” they asked repeatedly. “Yes,” Nick ____ them each time. It was 30 minutes before they got to the bank and stayed as close as possible for ____. Worn out, Nick had hardly arrived when he ____.It was an hour later when he found himself in a hospital that he came to. Asked what it took him to make the ____ move, he replied:

It is ____ to step out of the comfort zone. Being an onlooker is a cautious existence, but ____ we should never be stuck in. Stand by or stand up.

1.A.played B.gathered

C.laughed D.cried

2.A.investigate B.find

C.ask D.join

3.A.sands B.rain

C.waves D.sun

4.A.kick B.borrow

C.buy D.recover

5.A.life jacket B.umbrella

C.rope D.anchor

6.A.match B.strength

C.power D.force

7.A.ball B.dot

C.line D.light

8.A.lost B.delicate

C.old D.damaged

9.A.bitterly B.absolutely

C.fairly D.helplessly

10.A.progress B.weather

C.strength D.energy

11.A.threw B.opened

C.closed D.freed

12.A.decided B.said

C.declared D.recognized

13.A.awkwardly B.carefully

C.slowly D.easily

14.A.hopefully B.cautiously

C.continuously D.desperately

15.A.told B.comforted

C.discouraged D.supported

16.A.food B.pleasure

C.warmth D.help

17.A.passed out B.passed away

C.passed off D.passed by

18.A.warm B.generous

C.proud D.brave

19.A.easy B.tough

C.interesting D.dull

20.A.which B.that

C.one D.it

























1.B 去年11月,尼克听说了在一个聚会上发生了骚乱。一群人“聚集”在外面,指着海湾中好像有什么东西在漂浮。gather“聚集”符合语境。

2.2】A 当他跑过去“调查”时,他发现是一场误会:两个孩子坐着的船随着“浪”漂向了海里。investigate“调查”;find“找到,发现”;ask“问”;join“参加”。

3.3】C 见上题解析,wave“波浪”。

4.4】D 提姆和杰克爬上了一艘停泊在附近的船,划了过去“找回”一个足球。recover“找回”;kick“踢”;borrow“借”;buy“买”

5.5】B 到达了平静的水面,安在船上的“伞”遇到了风,使船驶入了开阔的水面。umbrella“伞”符合语境。此处与51空后的umbrella照应。

6.6】A 他们试着向回划,但是他们“抵不过”风力,在原地打转。no match for“抵不过,不是.…..的对手,比不过”。

7.7】B 尼克冲到了陆地最远的地方,海中的船此时已经变成了一个黑“点”。dot“点”符合语境。

8.8】B 他知道这样“纤弱的”小船很快就会遇上海里的2级巨浪。delicate“纤弱的,易损的”符合语境。

9.9】A 尼克跳入“刺骨的”海水里,每隔90码伸出头来看看自己的“位置”。bitterly cold“刺骨地寒冷”符合语境。

10.0】A 见上题解析。progress“进步,前进”符合语境。

11.1】D 最后他终于松开了绳子放下了伞。free“释放,使自由”符合语境。

12.2】A 随后尼克赶到了,但随后海浪打坏了船,船开始下沉。尼克“意识到”要尽快将他们托回岸边。decide“断定,决定”符合语境。

13.3】A 他们“笨拙地”穿上救生衣,尼克一手拉着他们,“拼命地”划。awkwardly“笨拙地”符合语境。

14.4】D 见上题解析。desperately“绝望地,拼命地”符合语境。

15.5】B “我们安全了吗?”他们不停地问。“是的”尼克不停地“安抚”他们。comfort“安慰,安抚”符合语境。

16.6】C 从冷得发抖的水中出来后,当然要靠近“温暖”。warmth“温暖,暖和”符合语境。

17.7】A 尼克筋疲力尽几乎昏厥过去。

18.8】D 当被问到是什么趋使他做出这种“英勇的”举动时,他回答道:遇到这种事,从安全舒适的地方站出来(不作旁观者)是很“难”的举动。

19.9】B 见上题解析。tough“艰难的”符合语境。

20.20】C 作为旁观者是小心翼翼的,但是我们不应该陷入其中(成为一名旁观者)。而应该站出来、站起来。此处one指代前面的a cautious existence。






