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关于catch的短语,catch fire是抓住火吗?

Are you finding it difficult to understand people when they use the word catch in a sentence? The word catch is unique in the way that it can be used. It is often heard in sports such as Baseball, Basketball, Cricket and other games where a ball may be thrown and caught (the past and past participle of catch). The use of this word in phrasal verbs, however, can change its meaning dramatically, take a look.当人们在句子中使用catch这个词时,你是否觉得很难理解?catch这个词的用法是独一无二的。它经常在棒球、篮球、板球等运动中听到,在这些运动中,球可能会被投掷和接住(catch的过去分词和过去分词)。然而,在短语动词中使用这个词,它的意思会发生巨大的变化,看看吧。

Phrasal Verbs – Catch关于catch的动词短语

Catch up赶上,了解到

To become aware of things that have happened recently.意识到最近发生的事情。

I was able to catch up on what has occurred during the past few weeks by reading the newspaper.我通过看报纸了解了过去几周发生的事情。我通过看报纸了解了过去几周发生的事情。

To see and speak with someone again after a long time.在很长一段时间后再次见到某人并与之交谈。

I was able to catch up with Joan over the weekend. /Let’s try to catch up over the weekend.我在周末又见到了琼。/我们周末尽量再次谈一下。

Catch me抓住我

To capture a criminal or to tag someone in a game.抓捕罪犯或在游戏中标记某人。

The police will have to catch me before I go to prison. /Let’s see who can catch me in a game of hide and seek.在我进监狱之前,警察必须把我抓起来。/让我们看看谁能在捉迷藏游戏中抓住我。

Catch fire着火

This phrasal verb is used to describe the serious action of something that begins to burn, either by accident or intentionally.这个短语动词用来描述某事物开始燃烧的严重行为,不管是意外的还是有意的。

Be careful, don’t put the heater too close to the clothes, we don’t want them to catch fire. /It will take some time for the wet wood to catch fire.小心点,别把暖气放得离衣服太近,我们不想让衣服着火。/湿木头着火要花些时间。

Catch it接住

Usually used in sport, the action of trapping a ball in one or both hands.通常用在运动中,用一只手或两只手把球接住的动作。

Make sure you catch it, when I throw the ball to you. Also commonly used when speaking about spreading a cold.当我把球扔给你时,你一定要接住它。也常用于谈论传播感冒。

Don’t come to close to me, I have a cold and don’t want you to catch it.别靠近我,我感冒了,不想让你传染。

Catch on弄明白

Used to describe when someone suddenly understands something they hadn’t earlier.用来形容一个人突然明白了以前没有的东西。

It took Kate a while to catch on to what had happened to her keys.凯特花了一段时间才明白钥匙出了什么事。

Learn these phrasal verbs well, and practice them with friends. Using phrasal verbs when you speak is the best way of sounding more like a native English speaker. Can you think of another phrasal verb with the word catch? Let us know with a comment below. Remember to check out our other articles on the website too!学好这些动词短语,并与朋友一起练习。当你说话的时候使用短语动词是让你听起来更像英语母语者的最好方法。你能想出另一个带有catch这个词的动词短语吗?请在下面留言让我们知道。记得在网站上查看我们的其他文章!





