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—Do you mind if I use your computer to type this report ?

— ________ . Go ahead.

A. Never mind B. No way

C. Not at all D. No, you’d better not .





试题分析:句意,上文,你介意我用你的电脑打这份报告吗?下文,一点也不,用吧。Never mind没关系;No way没门;Not at all一点也不;No, you’d better not .不,你最好不,故选C。



What is a six-letter word that immediately comes to mind when you need some information on the Internet? You probably thought of Google. But Google wasn’t always the name of the famous search engine. In fact, the original name was BackRub!

BackRub was the name two graduate students gave to the new search engine they developed in 1996. They called it BackRub because the engine used backlinks to measure the popularity of Web sites. Later, they wanted a better name — a name that suggests huge quantities of data. They thought of the word googol. (A googol is a number followed by 100 zeros.) When they checked the Internet registry of names to see if googol was already taken, one of the students misspelled the word by mistake, and that’s how Google was born.

Google is just one example of a name change in the business world. Many other companies have decided to change their names or the names of their products. Here are some more examples:

Jerry Yang and David Filo, two young computer specialists, developed a guide to Internet content in 1994. They called it “Jerry and David’s Guide to World Wide Web.” But they soon realized that this wasn’t a very catchy name, so they searched through a dictionary and found a better one: “Yahoo.”

Sometimes companies change their names because of the popularity of one of their products. In 1962, a young runner named Phil Knight started a company called Blue Ribbon Sports. In 1971, Knight decided to design and manufacture his own brand of shoes. He named the shoes after the Greek goddess of victory — Nike. Nike shoes became so well known that Knight changed the name of the whole company to Nike.

1.According to the text, Google .

A. has been famous since 1996 B. is a result of a spelling mistake

C. means a number followed by 100 zeros

D. is the original name of the search engine

2.Jerry and David changed the guide’s name to Yahoo because the original name .

A. had been registeredB. had been forgotten

C. was not attractiveD. was too short

3. The company Nike got its name from .

A. its foundersB. its customers

C. its popular productsD. its advanced techniques

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. The name changesB. The history of Google

C. How to choose a name?D. Why are names important?









【试题解析】细节题。根据文章第二段最后3行When they checked the Internet registry of names to see if googol was already taken, one of the students misspelled the word by mistake, and that’s how Google was born可知当他们核对的时候发现googol已经被注册了。但是其中一个学生拼写错误了,漏掉了其中的一个o,所以就成了Google。所以这个名字是由于一个拼写错误而出现的。故B正确。


【试题解析】细节题。根据文章第4段最后2行But they soon realized that this wasn’t a very catchy name, so they searched through a dictionary and found a better one: “Yahoo.”中的this wasn’t a very catchy name可知他们认识到这个名字不能吸引人,所以就改名为Yahoo。所以C 正确。


【试题解析】细节题。根据文章最后一段首尾句Sometimes companies change their names because of the popularity of one of their products.和He named the shoes after the Greek goddess of victory — Nike. Nike shoes became so well known that Knight changed the name of the whole company to Nike可知文章最后一段是讲述部分公司是根据产品的名字而改名的,接着列举了Nike公司的例子,公司我们这家公司正是根据一款鞋子的名字Nike而改名的。故C正确。




But they soon realized that this wasn’t a very catchy name, so they searched through a dictionary and found a better one: “Yahoo.”








