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Last year the number of the students who graduated with a driving license reached 200,000, a(n)________ of 40,000 per year.

A.average B.number C.amount D.quantity




【解析】答案 A [句意:去年拿到驾照的学员数量达到了20万,平均每年四万。an average of 平均;a number of 大量很多;an amount of 许多,大量;a quantity of 大量,许多。]


I had a lot of teachers that I loved. However, the teacher that I remember most was Mrs. Green from Marianna, Florida. She was my 5th grade teacher. Since I was a new student, not only in her class, but at the school, she made my time there much more pleasant. I immediately began to like her. She was really funny and I knew that she liked me. She made learning fun. I remember one day for Christmas holidays, she taught us how to make ornaments(装饰物) from eggs. My parents still have some of the ornaments I made.

She made me leader for many group projects and that made me feel special. I think that would make any child feel special, especially when a child is in a new place with no friends. She made me want to be like that. Not to pick a “favorite” student, but to make every student feel that they are special. That year, I received the Presidential Academic Award(美国总统学术奖) . I was really proud and so were my parents.

Looking back at it, I think the reason why I did so well was that I felt important. Students do better when they feel like they are important or loved. Mrs. Green always gets to know her students and forms personal relationships with them, which I will try to do some day. I just hope that there will be a student who finds me to be their favorite teacher as I found her to be mine.

1. The author’s life in the new school was very _______.

A. hard B. happy C. common D. boring

2. What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A. The author was Mrs. Green’s favorite student.

B. The author was the pride of her parents.

C. The author was once received by the President.

D. The author always felt lonely in Mrs. Green’s class.

3. What will the author probably do in the future?

A. become a teacher B. become an artist

C. become a leader D. become the President

4. How does the author feel about Mrs. Green’s help?

A. Sorry B. Afraid

C. Hopeful D. Thankful









1. 细节理解题。由第一段she made my time there much more pleasant.可知是快乐的。故选B

2.I was really proud and so were my parents.可知他的父母也为他骄傲。故选B

3…hope that there will be a student who finds me to be their favorite teacher..可知他想成为一个老师。故选A

4. 理解分析题。A遗憾的,抱歉的;B可怕的;C有希望的;D感激的。由最后一段..reason why I did so well was that I felt important. Students do better when they feel like they are important or loved.可知正是因为他的老师给了他爱才使他有如此的成绩,所以是感激的。故选D。







